Take Action!

Look for alternative school options including charter, private, religious, homeschool, mini-pods and hybrid models


Be informed,

empowered, and act

  • Be informed

  • Find out what curriculum is really taught in your school

  • Know your rights as parents, teachers and students

  • Share this information with parents, teachers, school boards and churches

Teens in Halls

If you stay in public school

  • Attend school board meetings and voice your opinion

  • Opt-out of objectionable curriculum

  • Demand that an appropriate alternative curriculum that meets state guidelines be taught

  • Protect all kids, including your own from objectionable curriculum

  • Talk to your kids, deprogram them from ideas that don’t reflect your values; teach them the truth, expose CRT, radical Ethnic Studies, Age-inappropriate, Gender Confusing Sexxx Ed., 1619 Project, Anti-American - pro-socialism, climate hysteria, mindfulness (Buddhist religious meditation) and evolution w/o creationism instruction

  • Teachers: Find out CTA’s real agenda and join alternative unions

  • Volunteer to tutor and mentor kids after school

  • Connect with organizations on our website who can help you

  • Vote for qualified school board members who support parent’s rights

  • Run for school board, sit on curriculum committees

  • Support school choice for all kids, including your own


If you leave public school

  • Look for alternative school options

  • Talk to your church about using empty classrooms and starting a church school

  • Support school choice for all kids, including your own


What else you can do

  • Bring this video to your community, and gather parents, teachers, and church leaders

  • Hold larger, city or county-wide meetings

  • Show the video to your group, plus Q & A:

    • Crisis in education, Your rights and responsibilities:

    • What to do if you stay in, options if you leave,

    • Watch Q & A Panel: (optional or bonus to email to attendees)

  • Organize interested people into sub-groups in school districts

  • Support parental rights, curriculum transparency legislation

  • Oppose anti-parental rights, CRT, radical Ethnic Studies, Age-inappropriate Sexxx ED, 1619 Project, and anti-charter schools legislation

  • Hold school boards and legislators accountable to accurately represent their constituents

  • Let us know what you are doing so we can share it with others

  • Post on our EDUCATIONIMPACT.US Facebook and join our FB group

  • Contact us at edimpact2021@gmail for more info